Monday, August 24, 2009

Bloggers Checklist for a Money Making Blog

Bloggers Checklist

Below are some of the crucial items you should have on your
Blog. Take a look at this list and your Blog and see how
you measure up. I can tell you that I did it myself and I
had to create an action plan to fix my own Blog.

You see, just because I know what needs to be done doesn't
mean I always have time to implement it myself.

It is like the shoe cobbler's children going to school with
their shoes falling apart. I am so busy helping clients,
I don't have time to work on my own things.

The same may be true for you. You are so busy but you know
you want to, actually you need to, Blog. So you start it
and don't necessarily have everything in place.

That's OK. The key is to find out where you are lacking
and create an action plan so you can take steps towards
getting everything in place,

So, here is your checklist. Do you have:

A strategy in place? Do you know why are you Blogging?
What are you hoping to accomplish? Do you know how often
you have to Blog, what types of posts you need in order to
accomplish your objective?

A posting schedule? Ideally you should have at least 2 new
posts a week, and up to 5. Less than 2 is too little, and
over 5 is often too much (unless you are a great writer and
have lots of news and information to share, so you aren't
just writing fluff).

A comment policy? Do you moderate? If so, how long does it
take to approve comments.

An 'About Us' section? Since Blogging is about connecting,
sharing information and creating dialog to form
relationships, you need to be sure to tell people who you
are and what you are all about. Including contact
information is a good idea

A Blogroll? Be sure to include NON company links. Point
your readers to sites/blogs that you think THEY would be
interested in reading. Yes, you can add your website, but
please mix in some non-company sites as well to show people
you are truly interested in being a resource for them.

RSS subscriber buttons? Give your readers a way to
subscribe to your Blog, via a feed reader. Feedburner is a
quick and easy way to get this done.

Photos, graphs or charts to create visual interest.

Videos to engage users.

Personality and opinions so people feel they are really
hearing your voice and not just some regurgitated industry

Links back to relevant pages on your website.

A custom header graphic that doesn't take up too much space
but shows that your Blog is uniquely yours and not just
some out of the box Blog platform that has no
customization. Some people choose to have their header
match the look and feel of their main site.

So go check out your Blog right now and see how you measure

Blogger Checklist - I Earn My Living By BLOGGING ONLINE using the Atomic Blogging System With My Own Blogs!

Click Here! to Learn More about the Atomic Blogging System!

Happy Blogging!

Scott OBrien
skype: AskScottOBrien

Bloggers Checklist for a Money Making BlogSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Millionaire List Building Techniques

If You're looking to build a massive list for your home business or any business you're doing... check out this tool I personally use to make money online.

I hope you're having an awesome day. I have received quite a few emails over the past few weeks. The question that everyone is asking is, "How do I build my list?"

Let me ask you this. Are you really looking to build a list that works for you?

Beginners are raving about this tool and how simple and easy it is to build a list. A matter of fact, everyone is calling and thanking me for letting them know about it. Even Experts are impressed!

Get ready to...

Open your mind...

Imagine This...

Every link you send out....

Every Link you put in a classified add...

Every time you use Twitter...

Every Ning Post you make...

Every Social Network Wall you post on....

Every Blog you comment on...

Every Email you send out...

Your receive a contact NAME and their EMAIL ADDRESS

Your List Builds & Builds Huge

Are you ready to see it happen...

Over and OVER AGAIN...


This Tool Works...



For the BEGINNER...

For the Experts...

Jeff Long the Inventor of this tool has even pass along a huge discount for
everyone. Besides the discount you can become an affiliate and make all of your
investment back... FAST. Because, everyone will want this tool after you send out your first email to them using it....

ACT NOW - Before Jeff increases the price.

Thank you for your time and Please Let me Know what you think of this really cool tool ok?

Have an Awesome Day!
Scott OBrien
skype: AskScottOBrien

PS: Jeff's discount won't last much longer... Grab this awesome tool while you can!

Millionaire List Building TechniquesSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, May 22, 2009

Eliminate Objection

ELIMINATE THE Objection or a 90% closing Rate?

Scott OBrien wants to Say Hi From Buffalo, NY

I want to Share with all of You today, What I believe is the Number 1 Mistake Made By Most Networkers Today Even well Seasoned Veterans Fail to Make the Grade with This! And the End result is a Bunch of Objections They have to Work at Over coming at the End of their Pitch/presentation

THERE Is a Better WAY….

Eliminate the Objection before it ever comes up! How? Well it Starts First With your Ears, Ask the Right Questions, and the More You Ask the Better. The Bible States “Ask and You Shall Receive” apply the Principal No matter what you Believe Personally. Your Prospect will Tell You Their Hot Button Issues, if Only you Ask and Then Listen.

Now Then... This is The Mere Beginning of the Principal…
My Order of the Close (Seal the Deal)

1) Establish Credibility First

2) Inform with the Product Stories (or Service)

3) Give them a Reason to do the Business (not your Reason, Their Reason)

4) USE Yes Answer Only Questions in your Presentations.
Example: Do You want to Make Money?

5) CREATE the Thought and Mindset in your Prospect that they can this, they can envision you doing the Business, But Can they See themselves being Successful?

6) Start the Close at the First Buying Signal

ALRIGHT lets Share How:

The main Event is Getting Your Prospect to see themselves... Doing what you are Doing! Fail to do so, Guess What... Objection City! An Objection is merely a Statement that Says You Haven’t Convinced Me “I Can Do This” or I Need More Information. One or the Other Most Of the Time!

Most Networkers use the ” How would You Like to Make An Extra $500-$2000 per Month Part Time Pitch. NOT, NOT, NOT

We all Have a Yes to THAT but Does not put the Image of Them (the Prospect) BEING Able to do that. What Will...
How About

“John What Exactly Would You Spend the Extra $500-1000 or More On?
House payment, Car? Boat? Or do You have Something Different in Mind?, John I want You to Look Back 5 Years ago, Are You Making More today, is Your Life any better Today than Back Then?

John if You Could Have Bought Microsoft at $1 a Share WOULD YOU HAVE Had the Vision to see it? Or had Been in Steven Jobs Garage that day He and a Few FRIENDS DECIDED TO Start Apple would You have Walked Away thinking it was too much a Risk?

Well Today is Another Day Opportunity is Staring at You Again,

will you See it for what it is? Ok Realise Money is Never the Real Issue, We Want Something Bad Enough We will Figure a Way Period. That is Never a Real Objection.

As You Learn to apply this Method over and Over it Gets Easier And Smoother. Most Networkers are happy with 10% sign up Rates

Feel like they are walking on Air when they Approach 25-30%, Yet for The Last 4 Months... I have Exceeded 90% Closing Rate!

Can We Maintain this RATE? Who Knows? Doesn’t Really Matter! It Matters if You The Reader can Approach the Kind of Results for Yourselves...

Don’t Copy What Doesn’t Work! Be Willing to CHANGE What You are Doing to Achieve what You Want From This Industry!

It can Give You Anything, Especially Real Freedom, if You Apply Yourself, and Treat it as a BUSINESS not a Hobby!

Scott OBrien
Buffalo, NY

Eliminate ObjectionSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Attraction Marketing has been around for Years...

Everyone seems to be talking about attraction marketing as if it were something new. Top network marketers have used this secret for years. I remember back in the late 80’s hearing that if you were on fire with enthusiasm, people would come from miles around to watch you burn. Now that’s attraction marketing.

The key thing to understand is that attraction marketing isn’t some internet marketing program, it’s a method of operation. Whether you are building a business the old fashion way – face-to-face or using all the latest technology on the internet, you can utilize attraction marketing. I’ve been using it for the last 10 years in network marketing and it’s the reason that today I have total time and financial freedom. In this article I’m going to teach you the secrets to attraction marketing.

Secret #1: Make Yourself Attractive

People all around you are looking for answers. They are working too many hours, making too little money, and are under tremendous stress. If you are with a legitimate network marketing company, you have the answer. The key is to uncover those struggle areas and then provide them with a solution. Asking questions is the best way to discover what people are struggling with. First, this shows that you are interested in them, which is attractive. Second, when you ride in on your white horse with the solution, you become extremely attractive. The more often you help others eliminate their struggles, the more you will hear from others with the same struggles.

So, stop presenting your business to people and start uncovering areas of struggle through questions. Once you’ve found the areas that are causing pain, you can present your business as a pain relief and you’ll be amazed at the results.

Secret #2: Become an Authority

People trust and will listen to authorities. You turn on CNN and listen to political analysts talk about the presidential candidates. You read the newspaper as expert writers tell their stories. You go to seminars, listen to CD’s, watch DVD’s, and read books to discover the secrets to success in life. What you’ve probably never thought about is that there was a time when those people were just like you. How did they become an authority?

In order to be an authority, you first need knowledge. The internet has made it easy to gain knowledge. If you want to be an authority in the network marketing industry, then you must gain knowledge of the industry – history, top companies, compensation plans, difference between legal network marketing (or mlm) and pyramid schemes, successful marketing methods, etc. Invest some time each week to studying the industry.

The second step is to make that knowledge known. Again, the internet makes this easy, as you can quickly publish a web site, blog, and newsletter. You can write articles and submit them to network marketing web sites. You can publish an e-book or self-publish a print book. If you’re not a writer, then hire one to write for you. You can do free teleconferences, webinars, and videos posted on YouTube and other video sites. As people see you all around the internet, you become an authority and thats attractive.

I’ve developed a great attraction marketing system called Home Business Marketing Pro, which includes tools and training that will help you become an authority. It also includes internet-based training that will help you get your face on Facebook, a place on MySpace, create a lens on Squidoo, make and upload your videos to YouTube, get your Press Releases seen, and Blog so that it’s everyone’s business. Go to for more information.

Secret #3: Make Friends

Attracting people is one thing, but developing loyalty is something completely different. I’ve met many network marketers that I would call “sponsor monsters”. They can personally sponsor hundreds of people every year. Unfortunately, most of these people never develop a long-term residual income, because they don’t develop loyalty.

I learned this back in the 90’s when I asked a top income earner how to become a millionaire in network marketing. He said, “Go out to make a million friends and the money will follow.” Friends, for the most part, are much more loyal than strangers you sponsor. So, the key here is how to turn them from strangers to friends.

If you have any friends, you already know how to do this. First, you have to be a friend to them, which means devoting time to getting to know them. Second, is to serve them. In the case of network marketing, it’s helping them gain the knowledge they need and then walking it out with them. It’s encouraging them along the way. It’s supporting them in every way. If you are loyal to them, they will be loyal to you.

There are three of the secrets to becoming more attractive. You can join all the attraction marketing systems you want, but if you aren’t attractive, they won’t work. So, devote some time each day, week, and month to becoming attractive and pretty soon people will come from miles around to see what you’re up to.

Scott OBrien
Business Coach

Attraction Marketing has been around for Years...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Importance Of Building A Relationship

Below there are some important facts about building relationships in the MLM marketing industry:

1. When you are having a conversation with a person, it is extremely important that you are an active listener. Make sure that you listen to their story completely so you understand why they are talking to you. They are speaking with you because they are looking for an answer to their problem or need.

2. Make yourself seem as if you are an expert in your field. You have to be the golden carrot that your prospect is looking for. They are still shopping around after their first contact with you so you have to ensure them that your business is the best carrot for them.

3. Listening is the key to building a successful relationship. Listening will help you find out exactly what your prospect wants. You must not only find out exactly what the prospect wants to know but also what they want to avoid. You must respect your client’s desires if you are to build a relationship.

For more Free information on building your business visit:

The Importance Of Building A RelationshipSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Direct Selling and the Economy...

Jim Cramer, financial guru and host of MSNBC's popular Mad Money, says that during these tough times, direct selling/network marketing companies like Tru Chocolate are truly the way to go.

"My mantra's still the same: there is always a bull market somewhere," says Kramer. "In a market this ugly, bull markets are smaller, teeny-tiny, and very hard to find."

Kramer pointed towards one market that has seen a sharp increase since things started getting tough back in '08: direct selling companies like Avon, Herbalife, and (of course) Tru Chocolate.

"This is a business...that, bizarrely, works best when times are bad."

Further proof comes from a recent NBC news story on the amazing growth many network marketing companies have seen recently. "With many sectors of our economy struggling, at least one seems to be flourishing: direct or home-based marketing."

Man, keep showing us the love, NBC! These two examples make clear what all of us here at Tru Chocolate know: network marketing can bring you great results!


  1. Because it's Chocolate...

  2. Because it is helping many people Lose Weight...

  3. It's Organic and very healthy...

  4. It's ok for people with Diabetes...

  5. It's ok for people who are very overweight...

Those are huge industries that are doing very well right now!

To learn more... visit:

or contact Scott OBrien at: 716-537-2526

Direct Selling and the Economy...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

TRU Chocolate may be the Solution to Desperate Economic Times

It’s now a fact. Everywhere you look people are losing their jobs, being laid off or being displaced.

Consider this:

Citibank announced layoffs of 53,000 on Nov. 17, the most pink slips since IBM’s announcement of 60,000 jobs cuts in 1993.”
- Business Week, Dec 8, 2008

The unemployment rate rose to 6.5% in October 08, the highest since march of 2004.

Auto sales declined 32% year over year in October 08, the worse drop since 1983.

Gm stock dropped to $1.72, the lowest since 1938.

The dow tumbled 47% on nov 20 from an oct 07 peak, the worst drop since 1937.

So the question is now, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

TRU Chocolate is the best solution to these tough times - Chocolate is resession proof!

To Learn More... visit:

or contact your Tru Chocolate Independent Rep:
Scott OBrien
Home Office: 716-537-2526
Skype: krisokae

TRU Chocolate may be the Solution to Desperate Economic TimesSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend